Friday, February 13, 2009

Scott Pilgrim versus my inability to say anything bad about Scott Pilgrim

Just a shorty short today, my adoring public.

The highly anticipated fifth volume of Bryan Lee O'Malley's unclassifiable and awesome Scott Pilgrim series- Scott Pilgrim vs. the Universe- came out a week or so ago. I bought it on a whimsical and unplanned trip to the comic store even before I had started my re-reading the previous four volumes master plan. I wasn't worried though, because each book in the series is so enjoyable it takes roughly pi seconds to blow through. I was able to muster the patience to make it through those four, which was no small feat. Not only was I clawing to get some new Scott Pilgrim action, the cover of Scott Pilgrim vs. the Universe is shiny. Gold and shiny!

To re-cap, the premise of the series is fairly simple: boy meets girl, boy loves girl, boy has to fight and defeat girl's seven evil exes before they can officially be together. Then there's the glorious cast of side characters, many of whom you probably know/ are. Subspace highways, dastardly robots, unexplainable glowing heads, and musical battles to the death round out the series' refusal to be placed into a genre. Even a heavily hyphenated one. Ok, MAYBE a heavily hyphenated one. AND, O'Malley's incorporation of pop culture into his story is legendary; from band t-shirts to character stats to the manga-reminiscent visual style, you can't escape contemporary nerd culture here. And it's awesome.

So anyway, what can I say about the latest ish? O'Malley is still up on his game, and the fifth installment of Scott's tangles with love, life, and rocking gets two eight-bit thumbs way up. Scott and Ramona's relationship takes a rather serious turn and there's a bit of people coming-and-going, which adds to the slightly somber-er tone of the story. Still, there's plenty of silliness and snidely sarcasm to go around, and Kim Pine (my favorite!) gets lots of screen time... panel time? While I wouldn't say it's my favorite, I did have to fend off a wave of forlorn nausea when I reached the last page.

Random fact: for the Scott Pilgrim movie (please god, let them pull this off without ruining it), evil ex Roxie will be played by Mae Whitman, the very Mae Whitman who lends her voice to Katara on Avatar: the Last Airbender. There are not enough exclamation points in all of existance to express the blowness of my mind upon learning this.

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